Friday, March 9, 2012

Lesson 4 - Pick Them Up

I don't mean physically lift them off the ground, of course. That would be creepy. I mean get in a car/truck and go to their place of residence, and drive them for the evening of your date.

Notice I did not say "van". What are you, a creeper trying to lure in kids?

This is a pretty simple one, and honestly it's an example of the little things that count. When you ask someone on a date, plan on going to get them. For example, say you ask Suzie on a date.

"Hey Suzie, would you like to go to dinner with me this Saturday night?"
"Why sure, Hank, I would love to!"
"Great, I'll pick you up at 7!"

See that? Right there? "I'll pick you up". Meeting at the restaurant is something that friends do, and most of the time even friends carpool. Saying you want to meet a date somewhere instead of picking them up shows one thing. One very large, very blatant thing, to a potential date.


You are trying to make sure that if the evening goes sour, you have a way out. You may THINK you're being polite and offering them the way out, but you aren't. Obviously they already want to go with you, they said yes. But when you say something like "Awesome, I'll meet you at the theater at 7", you're saying "I'm afraid this won't go as well as I hope, and I want to avoid being stuck in a car with you". I admit, it really sucks to take someone out for a date, have the evening be terrible, and then have to sit in the car with them on the ride home. It sucks for everyone. But you know what? That's the risk you take. And even on absolutely horrible dates, you have to endure what? 20 minutes of listening to the radio? The radio is not that bad, my friend. Pick your date up, it's good form.

And while we're at it, let's discuss HOW to pick up your date for the evening. Oh yes. There are things you should be ready to do.

First and foremost? Clean your car. Inside and out. Make it clean, and get a decent air freshener. No one wants to be picked up for a first date in a muddy, trash filled monstrosity. You may like the comfort zone your mess provides, but that doesn't mean you get to keep it.
Second.. Walk up to the door. Don't just text or call your date to say you're there, waiting outside in the car for them. It's rude and impatient. Have the courtesy to turn the car off, walk to the door, and knock like an adult. If someone else answers the door and you don't know them, introduce yourself before you ask if Suzie is there. Make small talk, be polite. Turn on some of that charm.
Third, open the door for your date. It's good form. It doesn't matter if it's their car door, the door to a restaurant, or the gate on a fence. If it isn't the door to their house/dorm/apartment, it's good form. Opening the door to their house for them is a bit creepy, though.

Now, when you take your date home, very similar rules apply, just in reverse.

Open the door when you get back to your car/truck. Again, GOOD FORM.
When you get back to their place, turn the car off and get out with them. Walk them to the door. I realize it's ten feet, and they're unlikely to be mugged in the driveway. That doesn't matter. It's polite, good manners, and dammit, it's.. Say it with me... Good. Form.
Be polite and talk on the walk, too. Tell them what a nice evening you had. Even if it was absolutely terrible, focus on the good parts of the evening. Did she look nice? Was the movie funny? Was that waiter really the guy from Duran Duran? Chat a bit. Be interested in them and whether or not they enjoyed themselves.

Now, in the time it takes for you to get back to your car, open the door, and sit down, they should be in the door. Drive away, it's totally ok. Don't text or call them five minutes later, you're not a stalker... And if you are, stop stalking people, it's weird.

I suppose it's only fair to mention that sometimes, just sometimes, your date will actually suggest meeting you there rather than being picked up. It's totally ok in that circumstance to meet. They're suggesting it, not you. If they want an out, let them have it. Don't be a jerk.

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