Friday, August 24, 2012

Lesson 14 - You're Not Getting Flawless.

It's been awhile, hasn't it?  Like... Months.  Sorry about that.  I guess I could say I haven't had anything to write about, but that's not entirely true.  I wish I could say that I've found a reason to not write, but that's also not true.  Mostly it's just that I've been busy doing far too much of nothing to sit down and write coherently.

But enough about me.  Let's talk about YOU.  And your friends, family, acquaintances, neighbors, and enemies.  Let's take a moment to talk about everyone and what we all want from a relationship and a significant other.

Generally, unless you're a realist, you want someone who is "perfect" for you.  According to movies, television, and modern literature, there's a pretty standard definition of this.  If those mediums are to be believed, women want a dazzling Greek God of a man.  Tall, with an olive complexion and flowing hair, deep pools for eyes, rippling muscles, and most likely some form of accent.  He's a billionaire genius playboy philanthropist, who builds orphanages and loves puppies.  He rides a unicorn wherever he goes, because he cares about the environment, and will drop everything to take you on romantic getaways with roses, chocolates, wine, and foot rubs.  Hell, I want a guy like that, and I'm not even gay.

And then we have the men.  If media is to be believed, we want a woman with a perfect body.  Long, toned legs, firm abs, and a bountiful bosom.  WE want her to have a scintillating accent from some unknown European country, she's a master chef who always looks amazing, and will wait on us hand and foot.  She's a gymnast, who lounges around on strategically placed furniture in a silk robe and stockings.  Or she's Asian.  Let's keep it real here, if she's Asian the rest probably doesn't matter to most guys.

Now, I'm not saying there aren't people like that out there.  Statistically speaking, it's highly unlikely, but that doesn't mean they DON'T exist.  What it DOES mean is that there aren't enough of them for everyone to have one.  Which brings us to the point of all of this, you aren't going to get the flawless perfection that you seem to think you should have.  No one does.  It's nothing against you, it's more of a shot against society.

You see, we grow up in a world where we are bombarded every day with differing directions about what we need in life.  You can't settle for less than you deserve, and you deserve perfection.  You can't be single AND truly happy, you need someone to share it with.  If you're over 25 and single, you're just meeting the wrong people.  If you're over 30 and single, then you need to change something about you, because you NEED to be MARRIED.  None of those are true, by the way.  You can be 25 and single, but still know the person of your dreams, and just not act on it yet.  You can be 30 and single, and not need to change a thing.  You can be single and happy with it.  You don't deserve your vision of perfection.

Wait, what?  Yeah, you got that right.  You do not deserve the perfect person described above.  Because you deserve MORE than that.  You don't deserve a hollow shell of a person who is custom built to fit the societal definition of perfection.  No, what you deserve is a person.  A real, living, breathing, person.  Someone with hopes, dreams, thoughts, and faults. You deserve a person who loves you for who you are despite your faults, and who you can love that way in return.  Are they going to be perfect for you in everyone's eyes?  Of course not.  But everyone else doesn't come home to them at night.  Everyone else doesn't get to see them at their best and their worst.

You don't need to have a "perfect" person.  You don't need to rush into marriage because you THINK someone is perfect and that you need to do it NOWNOWNOW. 

What you need is love.  Yes, love is all you need.  I'm not a fan of The Beatles, but they got that right on the nose.  The person who advised this entry also shared the quote "We accept the love we think we deserve"... True story.  You deserve to be loved, despite the fact that you're not perfect.  And there's someone out there who deserves that love from you too.  Accept it.

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